Domain Name A .com or domain name is included with this package. Your new email addresses will be created on this domain. Select your domain name carefully, it is your virtual property and unique identity on the internet. Let us know your domain name ideas & keywords, and we will check domain name availability for you.
Unlimited Mailboxes Have as many addresses on your domain as you need. Some common ones are email@, info@, mail@, admin@, accounts@, sales@, yourname@, support@, marketing@, etc.
Contact Form Visitors to your domain will see your customised online contact form, just like on a website! A fully responsive landing page with a customised online contact form is included. Site visitors can use it to contact you without knowing your email address.
Private and Secure Now the free email providers will never be able to track you or see your address book! Display or hide your contact details on your landing page and domain registration info as per your requirements.
Access From Any Device Send and receive emails from any mobile phones, tablets, laptops & desktop computers.
Webmail, POP3 & IMAP Access your emails from any browser or mail software on any device including PCs, laptops, tablets & mobile phones.
Auto Responder Send automated replies when you are unavailable, for example if you are going on leave. Anyone sending you email will receive an instant reply customised by you.